Psychoeducation solutions for parents and families.
Get mental health treatment and preventative support with the ease of your own timeline through our courses and community.
TheraCourses Makes Mental Health Care
Receive care on YOUR time in YOUR space. No more waitlists, no more struggling to match a clinician’s availability, and no more taking time off work to make it happen.
Healthcare should not break the bank! Our pricing model will always prioritize PEOPLE OVER PROFIT. Plus, for every course purchased, another course will be donated through partnerships with community mental health programs.
No stuffy or overly-serious academia here! With every course we offer, you will get REAL humans, speaking REAL talk, so that you can learn and heal in your REAL lives!
Prevention and Treatment
Preventative Support For Everyone
Early intervention is the most effective way to address any type of healthcare. Why would it be any different for mental health?! Using TheraCourses preventively can significantly reduce the likelihood that you and your family members will experience mental health struggles. This is especially true for the types of struggles that are as much relational and environmental as they are biological.
TheraCourse IS NOT a substitute for individualized and specialized mental health care! But the best way to prevent the need for such mental health care is to get mental care early. Oh the irony!
Support for Those Already In Treatment
If you or someone in your family is already struggling with mental health, TheraCourses can provide excellent supplementary care. When any one person is receiving individualized care, the rest of the family needs mental health care too. Not only do family members deserve the extra support, but it actually increases the likelihood that the individual in treatment will have more sustainable results.
Plus, an individuals’ willingness for treatment stays high when they know that all members of the group project are pulling their weight! When the whole family is receiving care, everyone benefits!